Eater address information

Eater Address
3 min readJan 26, 2022

Eater Address Scanning Cross-chain Asset Reinforcement Platform

#EAT #Eater #Eateraddr #Eateraddress

Eater address information

The eater address scanning cross-chain asset reinforcement platform is built by the Silicon Valley geek team in California USA with blockchain technology, aiming at the research and development of traditional Defi pain points, and try to reaching the world’s only 100% decentralized Defi project. The born of this project will affect the entire blockchain. The industry will reshape the cognition of all people in the industry, and will make all users outside the blockchain industry believe in it. It will truly achieve everyone’s profitability, which will cause subversive changes to the Defi market.

In traditional Defi projects, project parties, foundations, institutions, and technical teams will reserve more than 10% of the tokens as chips. When the Liquidity pool is too large, the project party will sell the chips and realize it, which is the biggest serious danger for investors .

But in the EAT region, completely break the traditional Defi mode gameplay, 0 reservations, 0 token! The project party/foundation/technical party/institution do not hold EAT tokens, they are all preachers of 1200 super nodes, and there is no way to affect the currency price! The more tokens in the traditional Defi model liquidity pool are mined, which will affect the price increase. The emergence of EAT will make up for the pain points of the traditional Defi market. The technical team will develop a new deflation mechanism that will not only increase the number of tokens, but will destroy tokens in large quantities. prompting a rapid rise in the price of this currency.

The token name is EAT, and 150,000 tokens will be issued globally and will never be issued. Eventually, it will deflate to 50,000 tokens and enter EAT2.0, creating a new swap decentralized trading platform to be used as a platform currency. 1,200 people are recruited around the world to make the market together, and everyone is the project party to achieve complete decentralization and achieve a ten thousand times model in the shortest time! All evangelist nodes hold a maximum of 100 tokens, a total of 120,000 tokens, and the remaining 30,000 tokens are locked in contracts to motivate market distribution.

EAT Participation Details

All EAT users jointly build a liquidity pool on the BSC chain. Users participating in liquidity mining only produce medals without increasing EAT. Users participating in liquidity mining need EAT equivalent to 50 USDT plus mainstream currencies for pledge. One merit is produced per 24 hours, and one token holding address can produce 10 merit per day at max. After obtaining the medal, enter the DAPP, and use 5 EAT plus 1 merit to participate in the eater address scan. After five minutes, the scan result will show two identities. First, Lucky Star (can get 2% income, at the same time the medal will be destroyed, EAT will be returned, and there is no upper limit on the income) Second. Contribution Star (0.5 EAT will be deducted, the medal will be returned to the user address, and the price of the currency will increase due to the destruction mechanism. The user has no loss), eater address scanning technology , completely subverting the traditional liquidity mining, but the economic model of EAT runs counter to it. With the fission of users and the destruction of EAT, the value will rise accordingly. When the deflation reaches 50,000, it will enter EAT2.0, creating a swap decentralized trading platform, EAT will become a platform token, and the medal will become NFT. Later EAT and medals will be of infinite value! All project party listing fees and platform user transaction fees need to be paid by EAT. The eater address scanning project will create a historical miracle of Defi and become a new SWAP leader in the blockchain industry.

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Eater Address

Eater Address Scanning Cross-chain Asset Reinforcement Platform